Want to do a live sex chat with Sarah Vandella or Tanya Tate? Then SextPanther is the place for you. A little like TalkToMe, NiteFlirt or Arousr this site offers to connect you with porn stars, or at least glam models.

Use your mobile or PC to create an account and then you can send hot messages to the model that you choose.
It costs credits to send and you can buy credits using credit cards. Visa, MasterCard, and Discover are supported. To make life simple it is just one dollar is one credit. Unlike most sites where you have to do some calculations, you can just see each credit as a dollar here.
When you send a text message from your mobile phone to Sextpanther the appropriate credits are deducted from your account and the message is forwarded to the model, who then earns a percentage of that money. When she receives the message, which will hide your real phone number, then she can reply.
The replies from the model get routed through SextPanther as well and so are anonymized to protect everybody’s privacy. You won’t ever know the model’s real phone number, nor will she know yours.
Under the SextPanther system, your credits are deducted when you send a text to a model, or attach a picture or a video. If she sends you a pic or video that is also chargeable. You can also call the model for a voice call if she agrees, and that costs credits, as does tipping.
You are not charged for messages from the model, but that’s about the only free thing.
This is a great option if you want to message to models, stay private, and don’t mind paying dollars for texts.
Signing up does require an email address, and my real email address didn’t work, so I had to use a Gmail account instead. After signing up via email it wants to verify your phone number, but that is optional and can be skipped at least during the initial signup.

Skip the verification of your phone number for now and you have successfully created an account.

Buy some credits now or do so later, but there is no discount for buying more, or for the first purchase as there are at most video cam chat sites.

Although these are credits you don’t have to buy them with a credit card, there are plenty of choices of how to put money into the system.

Meanwhile, you should have received the email verification email with the subject “Email Verification.” which is from “SextPanther [email protected]”, so I guess that is not particularly subtle.
Paying with Credit Card is the default and will be good enough for most people, “**Payments will show up as S-PANTHER.COM”. But you can also use Epoch to pay which is another credit card processor that also lets you use Paypal to pay. If you select PayPal to load credits at SextPanther it is still going to be via Epoch and “This transaction will be processed for SEXTPANTHE.” will appear for PayPal or credit cards statements will show “EPOCH.COM *sextpanthe will appear on your billing statement”
Lastly, you can use Crypto such as bitcoin, so this joins the long list of sex sites that accept cryptocurrencies if you are being more careful about your privacy. Bitcoin payments are processed via SpankPay which is a dedicated crypto payment system that prefers Ethereum but also takes Litecoin (LTC) and BTC.
Once you have some credits you will want to explore the models online and find what sort of model you want to interact with.
Each model has her own profile page and pricing.
Prices are very variable, but for the live video chat option. That’s the second on the price list and roughly the equivalent to a private show on most cam sites. Kandy94 in the example above charges $1 a minute, while Domina Ara Lee charges $30. That’s a big range, but in practice, most models are in the $5 – $15 range, so you’ll find something you like that fits into your budget without too much difficulty.
Add models as “contacts”, which is a type of favoriting, when you dive into the details of their profile.

Each model has a detailed profile with plenty of things to look at, from an OnlyFans style list of posts that you have to pay to open to a more detailed menu of what services she offers.
Take a look at the site and leave me a comment or post in the cam girl forum to let me know what you think of SextPanther.
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