Camcontacts (not Camcontact or Cam Contact) is like a clone of iFriends (see ifriends review) by people (Exhibitionists and Voyeurs both) who didn’t like iFriends.
Everything about Camcontacts
Although Camcontacts is now well established (started in November of 2000) – and probably building up on iFriends in terms of the number of girls, it doesn’t really seem to have the growth rate of other sites like Cum TV or stream mate.
However, now that things have settled down in terms of growth they are adding lots of features in like cam2cam (one2one they call it) with two way sound as well. Though there is quite a bit of debate in their forums about this feature because the hosts there are trying to offer specific things only if viewers go into one2one, which has a higher per-minute cost.
Not all the hosts do this, in fact not even many, and the camcontacts management has said they will crack down on it. The feature is advertised as, and they intend to keep it as, just a chance to be in private with one girl without other viewers distracting her from you.
Hosts are broken down into a variety of different categories, and I think they invented a few of them like “a little shy” which are now used by other sites.
Non Adult
Friends and Family
Make New Friends
Long Term or Marriage
Girls Home Alone – A little shy
Girls Home Alone – Not so shy
Girls Home Alone – Instant Action
Groups (3 or more)
Gender Benders (TV, TS, CD)
Boys Home Alone – Straight
Boys Home Alone – Gay
Escorts & Massage
Video PLAYBACK of PAST session
I think that covers just about everything don’t you! Of course, some of the more obscure categories don’t have a lot of hosts online at any one time, but you’ll generally find at least one. Even “Long Term or Marriage” has 20 or so, though I wouldn’t take the category name too literally. Boy-boy is the hardest section to fill and sometimes is empty.
You can also browse through cams by country if you are looking for someone near your location. Click “search” in the left border then “View by country” in the middle of the screen above the search box. View by language and works in the same way; this time giving you choices from English through the obvious Latvian and Romanian to Japanese(!), Arabic (!!) to Hebrew (find a nice Jewish girl for you me boy?). This is not entirely accurate though, I saw one person who apparently claimed to speak every language which is a large exaggeration I’m sure unless you say “ahhh ahhh, oooo ooo” counts as valid in any language!
Text chat is free in every section, just browse around until you find someone who appeals then click the text chat button. This gets you a static picture of the person to look at together with a text chat window where you can get started in conversation. No signup at all is needed for this.
Video chat, however, requires a login and per-minute fees, there is no free video on Camcontacts. It can be pretty cheap though, you’ll see some hosts advertising $0.69/minute which is almost as low as extasycams.
You’ll need a “register for free viewer account” first which will need your credit card details to “verify your age” etc, the usual thing. This account will allow you to see some more archive pictures than you would otherwise see; all the explicit ones are screened and not visible to unregistered guests.
Once you have an account, of course, you can then get into paid chat which will be billed to your card “discretely” as CC Network. The way billing works at Camcontacts is quite different from most other sites. With the majority of sites you “buy credits” and load a bunch of money into their system, which leaves your bank/card immediately they stays on their system until you spend it.
With CamContacts though they use “Continuous Billing” which is a way of saying that once they have your CC number they bill you immediately you do any chat. Advantage of this is that you don’t have to leave cash lying around in their site before you use it, and you don’t get interrupted by being out of funds, but the bad side is that you can end up spending more than you intended as the money just drains out of your credit card as you chat.
Camcontacts also run “” which is where any chathost can put her own web pages which is similar to the free hosting deal that is provided by ifriends. I believe Camz also provides some free hosting. I don’t know any other site that provides free hosting, let me know if you do.
You will also find Camcontacts running under a bunch of other names:
That last one is interesting, isn’t it? Addresses one of the underlying drives of webcam viewers — to actually meet and have a relationship with ladies they meet on cam sites. Not to say this doesn’t happen (I know a couple of married couples like this), but it has to be very rare. Cam chathosts are performers providing a service for the most part.
On the whole, the per-minute charges are much less than sites like Flirt4 free, and probably average a little under ifriends. Of course, there is a large range though so you’ll find some higher-priced hosts as well.
Uniquely among major sites they cover chargebacks, so if the customer refuses to pay, the host still gets their payment. Sounds nice for the host but this is a risky business model for camcontacts to be giving out money for shows for which they have not been paid!
What is Camcontacts
One of the oldest, if not actually the oldest, live pay-per-view webcam site in the world. They used to be second behind iFriends but when that site closed up in 2018 after 20 years then CamContacts took the crown of the oldest.
It is a bit like one of those news stories you see about a 115-year-old Japanese woman passing away, and that promotes a 114-year-old Russian man to the title of world’s oldest person.
Being long-lived is great, but really it is just one wrinkly instead of another. When it comes to cam sites the benefit of being able to say you started in 1999 or 2000 may be diluted by the fact that your website still looks pretty much the same as it did in that year.
Yes, but not as we know it Jim. Or to put it another way, live but unlive. That isn’t undead, who wants to see zombies on webcam, but it is not live in the way you would normally mean.
It is like this. Unlike the majority of cam sites there is no way to just immediately view a live camera feed and see what the models are doing.
But they are there, and they are live in the sense of being not-dead and being available for you to talk to. The catch is that the talk, or text-chat to be more accurate, is the only thing you can get for free.
There is no free live video on Camcontacts.
Not even if you register. Not even if you say pretty please. Not even if the models are dressed.
It isn’t no-free-nude or no-topless-in-free-chat. it is simply no-video.
This may seem strange. In fact, it is very strange. It only exists for historical reasons. Text-chat only and no video was the way the first webcam chat sites started. Specifically, this is the way started it way back in 1998 and camcontacts has carried on the “tradition”.
If you want to see live video of the people you are chatting with then you will have to pay for it. The webcams don’t get turned on until someone is paying, and that person would be you.
On the up-side, that does mean it is very easy to get the full and undivided attention of a chatroom host. Unlike other lower-cost webcam sites where the hosts are using “manycam” or “splitcam” to appear on many sites at the same time, and typically are ignoring them all equally.
On Camcontacts the hosts won’t bother to turn on their cam until you start to pay, and then you get their undivided attention. At least while you continue to pay. But that is o course how the webcam chat experience works.
The text chatting part, that typically comes before and probably after the video chat, is where you get to know the person.
Go to the Who’s online now? page and choose the model that you like. For each room one there are three buttons to choose from:
Click that third one to find out more about her, then the second one to go into text chat and make friends, but it isn’t until you click the Videochat button that you’ll get to see live video feeds from her cam.
Unlike most cam sites you don’t buy credits in advance at CC. Instead it really is pay-as-you-go.
If you have not got any credit card specified in your profile when you try to start a video chat session then you will be prompted to provide your credit card details.
The charging to your card only happens when you actually go into a video chat or do something else that costs money like sending gifts to chathosts.
Once you have been in private chat long enough for the bill to be above $25, and up to as much as $50, then a charge will be made against your card. This will continue to happen until the chat is finished, at which point any remaining charge goes into a last deduction to your card.
That means your credit card bill may look a little strange with a series of small charges, but when you total them all up you’ll find that it is the total of the amount you spent.
How will my card be billed for Camcontacts
Charges to your card will be reasonably discreet and say “CC Network (EU”). The company charging is in Holland, in Amsterdam to be exact, and so the charges are from a EU company. The charged amount will be in US dollars though, and it is up to your bank to convert if it isn’t a USA bank.
Luckily “CC” is a pretty common abreviations, so if someone see this on your card statement and googles it then they will find plenty of stuff about Carbon Capture in Europe and not a lot about online webcam chat!
For the full terms and conditions check the Camcontacts website directly : CLICK
Can I Get Free Credits at Camcontacts
No, as Camcontacts is not credit-based there is really no freebie to get. The closest is when they have some special offers or promotions, but those are pretty rare.
Most people are using Camcontacts because it is really very cheap anyway. If you want one-on-one time with a choice of models without having to fight through a crowd of onlookers as you would at most cam sites, then Camcontacts make great sense.
For free you won’t get anything except text chat as a registered guest. This is a great way to know if a host is really someone you want to talk to. Get to know them in text chat, check out their archive pictures, and if both their personality and their appearance clicks with you. Then is the time to sign-up for some video chat time.
Yes, registration is free. You only to choose a username for yourself and you are in. There are no charges to set up. No fees for creating an account. Just to make a registered account there is no need to spend anything.
A basic free account lets you have a chat name of your choice when you go into the text chat window with a chathost / model and so you get to show some personality just by what you call yourself.
Don’t worry about the charges. Those will come later if and when you decide to go into a video live cam session and have some adult hardcore fun.
Try to think about how the models are having their day on Camcontacts. They are here to meet and get to know people who are going to enjoy time enough with them to pay to have a video session. Just like any cam site the idea is to find the people who you like. Not just how they like, but how they behave and how they think.
You’ll find this world exhibitionists and voyeurs has a lot of room for different styles of relationships. From the pure sex, through intellectual coming together, to the romantic and amorous.
Finding that correct match for you is what the chat at chat sites is all about.
Talk to the model or chathost the way you would any person who you just met and who you want to create a good impression on. Be polite, be interested. Tell them about yourself, but don’t talk too much about your worries.
Nobody likes a moaner.
Try to not be too generic though. Telling her she is hot doesn’t do that much. The hosts are all hot and know it or they wouldn’t be here. Find something else about her that impresses you and she might appreciate you noticing.
Is it her dress (or undress) sense. Her smile, her hair. Maybe the way she talks. Getting a connection with someone is the same online, even in a sex chat site, as it is in real life. Just faster to get to the good bits!
As well as the main website the company also runs a range of country and language-specific ones though only the French / France one is promoted. Together with these country sites there are what you might consider sub-sites that focus on just one particular type of chat host and therefore cater more to people who want to see that and nothing else. – if you don’t want to see any females. – for the online live video chat card game, which yes includes some stripping if you play your cards right! – if girls with cocks are what you want. From t-girls to ladyboys there is every type on the scale here. features only women from Russia and Eastern Europe. is about cutting out the chat and getting directly to the action is a rather strange name for a site that focuses on fetishes. Whether you are into high heels, spanking or trichophilia (that’s long hair fetish) then this would be the site for you – Focusing on the international crowd – Roleplaying here gets a bit beyond the cards-and-dice of Dungeon games you may remember. – offers college girls and housewives to company executives offers everything in Camcontacts but with a focus on the French viewers
It is a real mix of different types. If you have been using porn chat cam sites for a while you know that many of them are populated by organized “studios” who tend to hire employees of a certain type. The economic forces mean that many of them also come from countries with a lower level of income, making their earnings for doing live sex shows via webcam a lot more attractive.
The good fortune is that those economically depressed areas of the world, from Eastern Europe through to parts of Asia also happen to be places with some of the most attractive people on the planet. This strange coincidence, if it really is a coincidence, means that it is quite easy to find a plentiful supply of breathtakingly hot people to chat with.
This is true on camcontacts as much as on any cam site.
A typical day will offer you a range of Romanian, Estonian and Russians. There are also certainly plentiful chat hosts from the Philippines, but not as many as you would find at a dedicated Asian camgirl site of which there are many.
India, South Africa, and The United Kingdom also provide a plentiful supply of willing hosts to chat with at camcontacts.
Some of them are working in organized studios, but as just anyone can sign up to be a chathost you’ll find that many of them are work-at-home hosts as well. From graduates who want to earn some money to housewives who need a little extra pocket money, to professional sex-workers who want another income stream, they are all represented here.
There isn’t any quick and easy way to identify exactly what sort of host you are talking to until you go and do that, talk to them in the free text chat to see what they are like and then you can make a decision about whether that person is right for you.
Yes, very much so. The whole site is very focused around community and so staying in contact with the models or chat hosts on camcontacts is made easy.
There is a whole section called “ccMail” just for sending and receiving mail from other members.
Look on the left sidebar to see find the link and enter this mail system. It is a web-based internal email that is not very sophisticated but gets the job done. What it does have is options designed to prevent misuse either by yourself or anybody else.
As well as white-list and black-lists there is also rate-limiting that prevents people from sending you too many messages but allows a small number
Attachments are available so you can send and receive pictures from models you have talked to. There is a perfectly reasonable limit of 3 file attachments per message, each of no more than 4Mb in size. That is big enough for any typical jpg, but you’ll want to look elsewhere if you want to send recorded video files or mp4 files.
All emailing is by “Screen name” so you don’t get to know the real email address of the model. At the same time that also means they don’t get to know your real email address either.
There is only one game running and that is a strip version of “HiLo”. Just as you can plan poker for clothes, and it becomes strip-poker so you can play the card game of HiLo and it is striphilo.
In the game you have to guess whether your card is higher or lower than the card the host has drawn.
When the model wins then you loose the money you have bet. But if the model loses then she has to take off the garment she bet. As she can place different prices on each garment it isn’t clear how much you’ll spend to get her naked.
It is all a gamble, and as you know when you gamble there is only one guarenteed winner. And that’s the house!
Want to show a little extra special attention for a host that has gone out of their way to place? It just keeping that relationship warm when your best model is off-line?
Sending little gifts is a great way to make sure that you are remembered, and camcontacts has gift-giving built into their system.
To send gifts you first have to spend some real cash to put money into your Gift Box. Then using that value you can buy the gifts which all have names and different values. It can be anything $10 cocktail to a $10,000 diamond!
The actual value you send doesn’t all really go to the host though, about 60% of the money will actually be paid to them.
Vidoe chat sessions are the same as text chat in that there can be many people in a chat room. At least it is possible technically.
Most of the time you’ll find that chat rooms have only the model and at most a few other people. You don’t normally notice because the chat is by default sent to just the host, and they write back just to you.
When you go into video chat though then other people can also enter video chat and so while that’s great for a party feeling it can also be true that three-is-a-crowd.
The way to avoid that crowded feeling is to choose One2One when opening the video chat.
Before the video chat starts there are two options available for most hosts.
Open session
Private One2One session
The choices are pretty clear here.
In an open session, you get the video chat with the chathost, but anybody else who is willing to pay the fee can also come in and watch and interact at the same time. In practice that doesn’t happen very often, people tend to go away if they see the host is already occupied.
In a private one2one session things are different, that means that only one person can view the session and anybody else who tries to come into the video chat will find that the host is occupied. They will have to wait until later if they want to see her.
If privacy is important to you then pay the extra fee, which is about double the cost per minute, and you can be sure nobody will see your hostess.
People using the Camcontacts website are either those who are broadcasting or those who are viewing. Those broadcasting are mostly female and often called “girls” though they come in all ages.
Yes there are lots of exceptions to the above statements. From the men broadcasting to the females watching.
On this site we tend to call them “Exhibitionists” and “Voyeurs” though that isn’t very accurate either really. Most of those in thefirst category are here to make money by meeting people and creating online relationships. They aren’t exhibiting their naked bodies for fun, but for profit. That isn’t to say they can’t enjoy their work like anybody does, but without the money it would be a lot less fun.
Voyeurs isn’t really an accurate term either as that implies someone who only watches, particularly while hidden. Thinking of the Peeping Tom who watched Lady Godiva. The viewers on porn chat sites are more about interactions, including sex talk but also more. If it were not interactive they might as well just go to any porn video site.
The overlap between porn video watchers and adult camsite viewers is a lot less than you might think.
With all this confusion the naming becomes difficult. Are they models? Because they are hot and using their bodies for display. Are they broadcasters? That’s the name Chaturbate likes but it sounds rather like a radio presenter rather than a sex worker. Are they sex workers? In a way, yes, but it isn’t the job that most people have in mind when they use this term.
At camcontacts, they are known as “Chat Hosts” or “Chathosts” and everybody at the site tends to stick to that name. It applies to both male and female, and those in-between, and emphasizes that they are in charge of their own chat room. They are the host, and decide ultimately what is ok and what is not ok.
If you go into a room and the host is someone you like, someone you can get along with, then you’ll stay for the duration. If they are hosts, then the people in their rooms must be guests. Only that word has its own special meaning in such sites so instead viewers or chatters is a more common term.
Yes, they do. The selection is smaller than females, and a lot of the genetically males are in the t-girl or transexual area.
Look at this recent list of how many cam chatrooms are available at a particular moment – this is a Sunday night and there are only 4 male gay rooms online, compared to 34 trans and 143 “shy” females.
Make New Friends – 73
Long Term or Marriage – 44
Strip HiLo – 29
Glamour Girls – 47
Girls Home Alone – A little shy – 143
Girl / Girl – A Little Shy – 5
Strip HiLo – 36
Girls Home Alone – Not so shy – 136
Girls Home Alone – Instant Action – 45
Girl / Girl Hardcore – 4
Girl / Boy Couples – 4
Groups (3 or more) – 2
Fetish – 73
Gender Benders (TV, TS, CD) – 34
Boys Home Alone – Straight – 1
Boys Home Alone – Gay – 4
Boy / Boy – 0
Dungeon – 43
Video PLAYBACK of PAST session – 18
Camcontacts is not the best choice if you want gay guys to chat with, you’ll find a wider selection elsewhere. But if any of the other categories appeals to you, then you can certainly find some to choose from here.
10 May 09: If you speak German only, you should go to the German version of Camcontacts here. A Spanish version is available too.
1 Sep 08: have you tried webcam chat on a mobile phone? Now you can go to, download their chat software and start chatting anywhere, even in the bathroom!
27-31 Aug 08: “Guess Who?” game for viewers to guess the screen-name of a given pic. For every $5 you spend, a letter will be given to provide hints. First prize is $5,000 Camcontacts’ credit.
20-24 Mar 08: Easter Party – 5 lucky viewers will be chosen every hour during these 5 days to receive free credits to chat with their favorite girls.
18 Jun: Camcontacts has introduced an online card game called Strip HiLo for viewers and chathosts to play. The ultimate target is to remove the chathost’s clothes when she guesses wrong. If the viewer loses, then the whole game will restart. Watch out! It can be addictive.
18Sep: There is still a lot of debate going on over at CamContacts about the not-so-new “one2one” feature. In case you missed out before, this feature provides a private chat room — instead of the group chat which was previously the only choice at CamContacts. Some “shy” hosts are offering to strip only in one2one, which is against CamContact rules; but the CC management has promised to get things under control.
10 Dec: Holiday season again and they have introduced their “Holiday Hotties” which is a three-minute free promotion. But watch out, at the end of three minutes it goes straight into charged chat with only a text notification on the screen.
29 Feb: Camcontacts is finally catching up. They now provide sound and CamToCam such that the chathosts can see the viewers’ reactions if the viewer has a cam. Another site that provides sound and cam2cam is imLive.
12 Feb: I noticed that Camcontacts has more than a dozen girls under ‘Long Term and Marriage’. There is no shortage of sexy pretty looking girls and most of them look like Eastern Europeans. If you want a supermodel to be your girlfriend this may be your choice.
25 Jan: Every webcam chat site needs to keep coming up with new ideas to attract viewers and camcontact, one of the major established sites, is no exception. They have recently launched a new category — Girls Home Alone – Instant Action — which I think is either exactly what most people want, or completely the opposite of what others want! But choices are great, so if you want to chat first, or to jump straight into the action you can now explicitly choose the right sort of host.
30 Dec: Oops, looks like I jumped too fast and spread rumors too! The latest I hear is that camcontacts is experiencing a DDOS attack and they are working with their network provider to get on-line again soon. Maybe nothing to do with those fake spams at all! Though both these thing do seem to show that they have enemies — I guess some people are unhappy they are so successful! Anyway, if you can’t get through to them because of their problem then the two most similar sites you can try are imlive and ifriends.
29 Dec: A very Not Merry Christmas for the people over at camcontact. They have been down for two days and rumor has it that their offices were raided and all equipment confiscated. If true then I would guess this is related to the fake emails about their being ch**d p**n on their site which has been circulating. The internet is a great place for hoaxes, and it sounds to me as though one of their competitors or someone else with a grudge has decided to put them out of business.
Hony Tsoi has long been recognised as an expert in the adult webcam industry based on her more than 20 years of experience. As a trusted mentor and advisor, Hony has guided numerous cam girls, viewers, and webmasters. Her expertise has been sought after by creators of new cam girl sites, who value her advice in building successful platforms as well as webmasters and viewers.
Connect with Hony on social media for authoritative insights and invaluable support in the world of adult webcams.
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