One of the few 24×7 lifecams still operating the rooms at offer a view and some insight into the lives on a rotating group of young women and couples who have their apartments fully wired up with live cams.
Watch them nude, having sex, sleeping, but mostly doing laundry and walking around in their homes as you experience Real Life via their Cam.
Alternatives to RealLifeCam
Other websites M-R
Try something you haven’t tried before
Jennicam reborn?
Voyeurism and camming have always overlaped, the very first girl-on-a-webcam with Jennicam started in 1996 and closed in 2003 which was more watching than interacting. And that was long before privates or tipping was introduced.
For most viewers the whole webcamming experience has moved on and tipping for buzzes on Chaturbate is a more engrosing experience. More validating and profitable for the broadcasters, and more satisfying for the viewers who get to build a virtual relationship with their favorite.
“Real voyeurism” but legal
That are a subset of viewers who still yearn for the good-old-days and for whom voyeurism, is the key. While actual peeping-Tom voyeurism is illeagle there are sites that offer a very good immitation of that experience, enough to satisfy the voyeurs yearnings. Just as Cam4 might satisify the need for a hot and nubial young girlfriend, even if it is virtual, so provides the sensation of being a peeping-Tom without the legal risk.
Put up some cash in terms of a membership, or put up with the effort of refreshing screens and trying again with a free view, and you can have that fly-on-the-wall experience as long as you want.

Standard vs Premium memberships
With a membership it is then possible to watch as much as you want. There are two basic membership levels, Standard and Premium.

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RCL Replay for time travel
Although watching in real time is the main reason for a spycam style of voyeurism, the reality is that a lot of the time nothing special is happening. RealLifeCam manages this problem by letting you time travel back to the most recent few days using a replay service, though that is only for registered premium members.
Knowing what you might want to see isn’t necessarily easy though so it is only if you have some clue as to the regular routine of particular residents that you will know when to look. Alternatively there are several sites that publish the captured views of the rooms here, with forums and discussion as to who did what to whom and when. But then you could just download the captured videos so the function of having the replay is more if you want freedom to see anywhere, any time, all from the convenience of your own PC.
Rooms and residents come and go quite regularly and a news ticker across the top of the page tells you that for example “2020-06-07 Olivia left the project”, while a few days earlier “Elettra rejoined the project”.
The RCL Project
It is interesting that they consider it a “project” and the boast is that the men and women you see on these cams are not actors, they are just ordinary people living their routine lives in apartments equipped with video cameras.
Reality is stressed in that they are “no scenarios, no operators, video editing or censorship” and the site emphasises it is “24/7 life as it is”.
At the same time, the people know about the cameras otherwise this would be in the realm of the law-breaking voyeurism, and so it isn’t entirely real peeping-Tom experience.
RLC Remote
Chat or buzzes
What is really missing here when compared with other camming sites is any chance to chat with, let alone buzz, anybody who can be seen. In that sense it is more like watching TV, though not TV like Rampant.TV, and there is no real way to interact with the people being watched.
If find yourself wanting to more about one of the people, to know about them and have a chance to get involved in what they are doing then firstly you are not wanting strict-voyeurism, and secondly is not going to help you.
There is a huge following for some of the more popular people on the site, particularly the attractive females of course, and you’ll find many discussions about them in various forums. What you won’t find is any way to contact them or know what happens to their life. In a way, this reminds me of the peak days of Secretfriends where so much attention was given to the top models, but there was no way to know “what really happened to them” when the moved on.
Rooms divided
The rooms, or more correctly apartments, are split into categories. In each category, the individual apartments are identified by the name of the current residents. A few of these are couples, others are roommates, and there are sections for “vacation” which seems to be a kind of group-live-together experience.
- Linda and Tibor
- Martina and Alberto
- Carla and Yanai
Roommates / Singles
- Masha
- Leora, Malia
Girls on vacation
- Irma, Babi, Gina
- Fiora, Mimi
- Kim, Ginger, Olya, Diane, Milena, Elettra
Couples on vacation
- Kylie and Rus
- Bonnie and Rama, Alexandra and Lucian
Despite the mix of names most of the cameras appear to be in Eastern Europe, judging from the time of daylight and what people are doing.
Free cameras vs locked cams
Most, but not all of the apartments have at least one free camera but most of them are locked for members only.

A little map allows you to see where the cameras are on a floor plan of the apartment, and the red padlock indicates rooms that are locked for members only. In this case the vacation apartment for Kim, Ginger, Olya, Diane, Milena and Elettra has 9 different cameras, of which the two free ones are in the Kitchen.
In this case two views into the kitchen allow you to see both the seating area and the open plan kitch. It seems this is a bit like an AirBNB and girls are here on a vacation, but of course most of the time they are asleep in the big shared bedroom.
Those cameras are locked of course.
RCL Live Popular Cameras
Another userful view is to simply see what cameras are currently popular and use the wisdom-of -crowds of voyeurs to see what is going on.

Most of the time of course what is going on is precisely nothing.
But like birdwatching or fishing in an empty lake, it is the watching and waiting that apeals. If you wanted to see lots of birds without waiting you could simply go to the zoo, but that doesn’t apeal to the birdwatcher.
Similarly the true voyeur wants to make his, or her, “catch” and certainly gives you that chance.
Other Voyeuristic Real Life Cam sites is not the only webcam site offering a view of real life, or “real life cam” as you might say.
Indeed this is just one entry into the area of voyeuristic webcam reallifecams, since that original Jennicam there have been sites that come and go. Perhaps the one that is missed the most is the AmsterdeamLiveXXX Voyeur house which is gone now, but had that reception desk chat with the transparent desk and chair that was hours of very low-tech fun.
I’ve previously looked at the Camarades voyeur site which offers a very similar experience to of real life cams, with free cameras in a group of apartments populated by young Europeans. The pricing is for a basic membership is similar as well though the number of cameras is smaller, but offers more features.
Check out the other articles about different Voyeur cams on this site.
Feedback about Reallifecam in the Forum
If you have any thoughts about, or really about Voyeur cams in general, then go ahead and post a comment below or move over to our webcam forum and leave me a reply there.
me encanta martina
en que ciudad esta su departamento
en que trabaja
Martina is great! I don’t know where they really are. I think they need their privacy so better not to find them.
i try to watch the free tv but if u dont subribe to them thwey will lock all the cameras up to get u to subribe to them
i dont want to subscribe to ur rlc just want access to ur free rooms without subscribing to your network
Hi Cliff, maybe you should try a different site with similar Voyeur rooms. Over at Camsoda they have voyeur rooms that don’t limit you as long as you sign up for the free account.
And they have only a small number of houses now. I think this site is not doing so well. Maybe you should try a different voyeur cam site?
One reader said that for a period of time Martina worked as a call girl. Was that true and is there any video of Martina’s screwing?