Question: How do CB cam girls know what I like before I tell them?

Answer: It could be your name, it could be the tag you clicked, and it could be they remember you or made a note about you

Are you ever puzzled by how a cam girl at Chaturbate already knows what you are into before you tell her? Perhaps you are a big nipple lover and you go into my room and I say right away, “Hey John, so you like big nipples do you?”

If I get it right, does that mean I’m spying on you?

Not at all, it could just be the way the system works.

There are three ways I might be able to tell you are into some particular thing:

Your name gives it away

If your user name is “JohnBigNipLvr” then I’m afraid you have given away the secret yourself.

Tags give it away

Presuming that’s not the reason then it might be that you searched for me, and came in to my room from one of the Chaturbate hashtag search pages. For example, if you are on the tag/bignipples page like this:

And you click on the thumbnail for my room, though I’m not in this particular example list, and then when you go through to my room I see you enter and it looks like this:

Chaturbate chat window for models shows: rick has joined the room (from #bignipples)

rick has joined the room (from #bignipples).

See that last part, in brackets? That is the hashtag that you clicked on to come into my room.

This way I know if you came into my room via the #asian tag or the #milf tag or another one that is on my room, and it gives me a clue as to what you are looking for.


The last way I might know about you is that perhaps you came into my room a while ago, and you have forgotten you’d met me before, but at the time I used the “Notes” field on my screen to save some notes on you.

Each cam girl is different but I tend to keep some notes about members who I’ve had a good time with, just briefly noting what they like and what they are interested in tipping for. Occasionally I’ll note someone’s real first name if they have told me, and shown a preference to being called by that.

All this could come across as a bit creepy I know, but really it is no different from the Matre’d at the restaurant or the Barista at Starbucks remembering your “regular” and making light conversation to create a connection between provider and customer.

I hope that makes sense and explains it.

How do you feel about this? Is it more friendly or more creepy?

Let me know in the comments.