I try to keep track of what is going on at all the different cam girl sites, and so when I see something in a help page has been updated I’m all over it. Today I noticed that at the support pages for Cherry.TV there was an updated note, very brief, about the new model promo period.
All models who register with Cherry.tv can get the NEW tag on their thumbnail image for 2 weeks.
This is a way for users to find and check out all our new models. It’s a good way to get started and may be a quite profitable period for you.
Cherry support: What is the promo period for new models?
Ok so that’s perfectly ok and two weeks is a typical period, the same you’ll find at Stripchat for example. Some sites are shorter (CB gives you 7 days) while Streamate calls you “new” for a full month.
But the whole point of a new tag is, well, the tag. Some way for the regular, let us not say jaded, viewers to know that a new model has joined the site.
For better or worse “new girls” are popular and viewers often flock to their streams out of curiosity. The attraction of discovering fresh faces and bodies can drive significant traffic to these new models, giving them a much-needed boost in visibility and engagement for someone just starting out.
At Bongacams there is a whole menu category:

There is no such category at Cherry.TV though.
At some sites there is a little visible tag on the thumbnails, a little colored splash with the word “new” on it.
Don’t find that on Cherry.TV either.
This all leaves me a bit puzzled… Either at the times I’ve looked there simply are no new models at Cherry, or if they are being promoted in some way I can’t work out how.
Have you tried Cherry? I’m afraid I’ve not yet signed up as a model there, I guess I should give it a go and see how the process works firsthand. Maybe then I can get a clearer picture of how new models are being promoted, or if there’s some other method they’re using to attract attention. It’s always best to experience things directly to understand them fully.
When they first started out the site was so small I didn’t bother, and now I need to get my act together, or get my IDs together, and go do it. They boast “up to 81% payout” on the model signup page, but we all know that “up to” rarely happens so I’d rather they say what the regular rates are.
If you have already tried it do let me know in the comments! Or if I get there first I’ll update this with a link to my experiences.
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